At the end of shooting he received a gift from his colleagues - a photo album full of pictures of him sleeping on a couch, in a bed, on a truck, in his director’s chair and even on the floor. While the film was being shot Milos Forman suffered from insomnia so he took naps anytime it was possible, even on the set he would find himself a cozy place to fall asleep.Andy’s girlfriend, Lynne Martoulis also appeared in the movie as one of the mourners in the funeral scene.Danny DeVito did not only act in the movie, he also served as producer.Other members of that show's cast including Marilu Henner, Judd Hirsch, Christopher Lloyd and Jeff Conaway make cameo appearances in the film playing themselves.
#Man on the moon movie awards series
Danny DeVito worked with Kaufman on the television series “Taxi“.It was also reported that Carrey allegedly requested two trailers on the set - one for "Andy Kaufman" and one for "Tony Clifton" who was Kaufman's obnoxious lounge singer persona.According to The Holywood Reporter, Jim Carrey arrived on the first day of shooting dressed as an ice cream man - truck and all – and proceeded to offer ice creams to the crew.The title "Man on the Moon" refers to an R.E.M. song about Andy Kaufman from their album "Automatic For The People.".To get into the role of Kaufman he insisted on being dealt with as Andy Kaufman at all times, on and off the set. Jim Carrey refused to be called by his real name during the entire production.Some of the characters are completely fictitious as are some of the situations depicted. Although the movie is based on a true story, more than only one real person inspired other characters.

Kaufman not only loses his audience, he also loses close friends and his girlfriend. When Kaufman quit his popular role as the foreign mechanic Latko in “ Taxi”,he explained, “I want to create just my own things.” Throughout the film, we watch as Kaufman creates his “own” world out of mystifications and hackneyed jokes not only on the stage, but also in his real life. You could never be sure what Kaufmann truly meant, and what was just one of his eccentric jokes.